We are beginning a series in Japanese (with English subtitles) on “Prepare for Harvest!”

The great harvest of 127 million Japanese.
Christians have prayed for decades “Lord, send revival to Japan! Send us the harvest!”
But do we really know what we are asking?

When we the early church, and church history, revival and harvest are MESSY!

When revival comes, everything changes:
3,000 followers added in a day; exhausted workers, some even to the point of early death.

What is hidden in darkness was brought out into the light. (Luke 12:3)
The fear of the Lord will come, and sin will be exposed.
Some flee. Others humbly repent and grieve their sin.
There are even stories of people falling over dead in the presence of a holy God.

There is also strong resistance during a time of revival and harvest.
Slander, persecution, arrest.
Lies and conspiracies in the media.

Not to mention being misunderstood by brothers and sisters in Christ;
being rejected and betrayed and judged as heresy by fellow believers.

This is what always happens in revival and harvest!

However, no matter what the price, we are desperately seeking the glory of the Lord in the harvest of Japan.
Are you prepared for revival, harvest, and the trials that come with it?

The horse is made ready for the day of battle.
But salvation is from the LORD. (Proverbs 21:31)

Let’s look actual stories of revival and harvest from the scriptures and church history, and prepare for the revival and harvest coming to Japan!

“Prepare for Harvest!” Series
(Japanese, with English subtitles.)

Check Onfire Japan for simple church and discipleship training in your area.
Contact us for online training at: mail@onfire.jp

And keep praying, believing and stepping out to see the revival of the church and great harvest of souls in Japan!

Video footage from YWAM Tokyo and Oliver Banyard.

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