「JHOPO – 日本祈りの家 – オンライン」YouTube チャネルを紹介します!
日本語で24時間年中無休の祈りの家に向けて、YouTubeチャンネル「JHOPO – 日本祈りの家 – オンライン」を開設しました。これからこのチャンネルにも同時に賛美の動画を放送します。

Introducing JHOPO – Japan House of Prayer – Online YouTube channel
Moving towards 24-7 prayer online in Japanese we are beginning a YouTube channel “JHOPO – Japan House of Prayer – Online” and will be broadcasting simultaneously to this channel from now on.
Our desire is that this will become a platform where the Body of Christ can relate to God and one another in a spirit of prayer and worship. We desire it to draw brothers and sisters together in Christ regardless of church, denomination or background. By the unity of the Spirit we will pray and work to fulfil the prayer of Jesus in John 17:21
“… that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. “
Please help us by registering here at:
(Once we have a certain number of subscribers we will be able to create a custom URL! Thanks for your help.)

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