
「自由への道」 - 過去の傷の癒しと解放 - リンスコット綾

Original price was: ¥1,285.Current price is: ¥1,000.





通常価格:1,285円(1,100円+送料 185円)
2冊目から、一冊に付き 800円(税込、送料込み)
(一冊 1,000円のままで注文していただければ、確認のメールで、割引の金額で精算します。)




著者について:リンスコット綾 Aya Linscott
大阪教育大学教育学部発達心理学卒業。ベテル教会 SOZOミニストリー、エリヤハウス、ギャリー・オーツ・ミニストリー等のトレーニングを受け、2006 SOZOミニストリー JAPANを立ち上げる。ニュージーランド人宣教師である夫と共に、兵庫県西宮市にてハウスチャーチネットワークの牧会を務める。Onfire Japan共同創設者。翻訳、執筆、メディアを通して、クリスチャンが御国の文化に生き、イエスが十字架の上で勝ち取ってくださった自由と解放の歩みができるよう励まし、訓練する。3人の息子たちの母。

判型:B6  182mm x 128mm ページ数:136

Path to Freedom – Healing and Freedom from Past Wounds – Aya Linscott

This book is aimed at pre-believer Japanese who are interested or open to spiritual things.
It leads the reader to open their hearts to Father God and allow Jesus to heal and deliver them. Our desire is that they will encounter God as He touches and heals their hearts, and be led to surrender their lives to Him.

About the author: Aya Linscott
Aya graduated in developmental psychology at the Faculty of Education, Osaka University of Education. She received training in SOZO tools through Bethel Church SOZO Ministry, Elijah House, Gary Oates Ministry, and others etc. and launched SOZO Japan in 2006. With her New Zealand missionary husband, Jef, she helps facilitate Nishinomiya House Church Network in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. She is co-founder of Onfire Japan media ministry. Through translation, writing, and media, she encourages and trains Christians to live in the culture of the Kingdom and to walk in the freedom and liberation that Jesus has won on the cross. She is the mother of three sons.

Special price: ¥1000 (includes tax and postage in Japan)
¥800 for all additional copies. Order at ¥1000 yen in the online order form and we will adjust the price in our confirmation email to you.
Normal price ¥1285 (¥1100 + ¥185 postage)

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