We believe that God wants to bring a purity movement to Japan.

We believe that God wants to transform the way people think about sex and relationships. We believe that God wants to make His heart known to Japan – to share His beautiful design for relationships and sex – and to restore to wholeness what has been broken.

PureHeart Japan is a place to talk about things that are not usually discussed in churches, such as romance, dating, singleness, sex and sexuality. We will take a good look at God’s heart and plan in each of these areas.

“Let us sing about the ways of the Lord.” Psalm 138:5

Purity is...

  • It is in our interpersonal relationships – how we honor one another – especially between the sexes.
  • It is in single life – keeping our eyes on Jesus and laying our desires on the altar. He is completely faithful and we can trust Him with our desires. There is something so precious about the single time – to know Jesus as the One who satisfies all the needs of the human soul.
  • It is in the marriage relationship. It is in loving one another in a committed and sacrificial love. It is in enjoying the gift of sex and intimacy with one another. It is in modelling this love for your children.
  • It is in dialogue with your children, as they come into contact with the depiction of sex as the world defines it: through images online and in magazines, through movies, through conversations at school and with their peers, and as they grow up and are faced with choices regarding their own sexuality.
  • It is in fiercely guarding the perimeters around our purity. It is in guarding our eyes from adultery.
  • It is in teaching the value of sex and the impact of sex.
  • It is in confronting the temptations and societal norms and ensnarement of pornography, infidelity, and commodification of sex.
  • It is in praying for godly spouses for your single friends and in encouraging one another to be men and women after God’s heart.
  • It is in intercession for the spiritual war we are in and the stronghold of lust.
  • It is in the complete restoration of the broken walls of compromised purity, healing of the areas of lives that had been destroyed by sexual sin.
  • It is in deliverance and counseling ministry as chains are broken and people are set free.


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Latest Posts

Parenting Seminar Danny & Sherry Silk (Bilingual)

This video was taken at a seminar held in Nishinomiya in July 2008. Part 2 Part 3 When Danny Silk came to Japan, he was the full-time pastor of Family Life at Bethel Church in Redding, California. In the midst of all the controversy about child rearing and education,...

The “M” Word

Written by Anonymous Let’s talk about masturbation. Masturbation with porn (or playing through mental images) is something the Bible speaks clearly regarding. In Matthew 5:27-28: Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you...

tryphena’s Story

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性的虐待を受けた後、シルビアはいつも汚れていると感じていました。彼女は男性を恐れ、全ての男性は悪いと確信し、彼女は同性との関係に慰めと愛を見つけました。しかし、彼女の同僚たちの愛と祈りによって、彼女の家に帰る旅路が始まりました。神を通してシルビアが、癒され、赦し、家族と和解していくストーリー。 https://www.okaerinasai-jp.com...

Raphael’s Story

https://www.okaerinasai-jp.com https://www.facebook.com/おかえりなさい-107386451536787

Discipleship in Purity

Anonymous testimony. Do we know how to be discipled in the area of purity and disciple others? What does that look like?  I was recently asked out by a non-Christian man who was looking for a casual dating relationship.  People who know my past of being weak...

‘What is God’s Design for Marriage and Sex?’

Jef, Aya, and Rae-Anna chat with Stephen and Erika - a couple who chose to wait until marriage for sex.

The “M” word – It is possible and beneficial to shut the door

Written by Anonymous Let’s talk about masturbation. Masturbation with porn (or playing through mental images) is something the Bible speaks clearly regarding. In Matthew 5:27-28: Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you...

And Her New Journey Begins, With Him

Created by His hands, knit together in her mother’s womb. Loved completely. He can’t take His gaze away from her. His child. His precious creation. He sees the wonderful plan He has in store for her life. A plan where they will walk together. She will see His hand in...

Spiritual Impact of Sexual Sin

1 Peter 2:11 “Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.”  Oh, that I had known that at 15. I did not know the impact sex would have on me. And now that I see, I have been on a...


Eitaro & Tamae share their story of how they experienced God’s amazing hand of restoration in their marriage! We invite people to join the conversation to see individuals, marriages and families restored and changed.

In SingleTalk we will be talking about many various topics! We will be exploring God’s word for what He says to singles. We will be talking about how to walk in God’s ways as a strong, healthy, joyful, fulfilled single.

PureLove Japan

This page is for pre-believers. Please share with your friends!
Let’s talk about dating and relationships. Let’s have healthy hearts!


Jef & Aya

Jef (from New Zealand) and Aya (Japanese) have celebrated their 24th year of international marriage. They have three boys: 20 years old, 18 years old and 15 years old. Jef and Aya have endeavored to create a safe environment in their home where, from an early age, their boys would feel free to ask any questions about sex and relationships, how babies are born, love, dating, etc. Since their boys were young, they talked about various topics with them, in order that they would grow up to be loving gentlemen for each woman they would eventually meet, marry, and build a family together.

The foundation of society is the family. If the family is healthy, everything works. When a person knows they are loved, their self-esteem is secure and they grow into someone who can love others. When the family structure is broken, the marriage breaks down, the children get hurt, and begin searching elsewhere for the love they cannot find at home. Our desire is to share about Real Love!


Eitaro & Tamae

Eitaro and Tamae Ogawa encountered Jesus in Singapore 2004, and while having issues in their marriage, Jesus miraculously saved their relationship and family. They left the corporate world in 2016 in response to God’s call to become a missionary in Okinawa, Japan. They moved to Nago, Okinawa with two beautiful daughters in January 2019. Motivated by their life motto – “love God, love people” – Eitaro and Tamae are involved in art and community projects that encourage collaborations amongst people, with the goal of restoring the image of God in Family and Art in Japan.


Rae-Anna first lived in Japan in 2004 and returned in 2018 as a long-term missionary with Onfire Japan. She has a passion for a revelation of Purity for Japan.

“I was raised in a Christian family, on the mission field. For ten years I dated my own way, treating my heart casually. In 2010, when I was 25, I gave my life, my sexuality, my heart, my all to Jesus. I’ve now been single for ten years, trusting God with my desires. God has given me freedom and restoration in the area of purity. God continues to refine me daily and at times I am also challenged in walking this path. But I know how wonderful God’s ways are, and how utterly counterfeit and emptying the world’s path is. I want to share about the freedom and joy that comes from walking in the ways of the Lord.”

Want to join the team? Here are the areas where we need help!

Practical help needed: 

1. English-Japanese Translation: Translating text to Japanese

2. Video editing, social media work

Join us in starting this conversation in Japan:

1. Share the page with your friends and church community.

2. Send us your comments, impressions, and questions! Let us know topics you’d like to see discussed.

3. Share your testimony or join us on a podcast! 

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