ご存知の方もおられると思いますが、私たちも多くのメッセージを翻訳し、大きな信頼と敬意を寄せてきたIHOPKCのマイク・ビックルに対し、性被害の申し立てがなされました。事件の信憑性については調査中で、まだ何も発表されていませんが、世界中のクリスチャンに影響力のある彼に対するこのような申し立ては、少なからずとも多くの信者に戸惑いを与えているのは確かです。 真理が明らかにされるように!関わる人々の和解、癒し、悔い改め、解放のために、必要な過程を主が導いてくださるように!このような事例を通して、ますます私たちが自分の心を主の前に注ぎ出し、主に喜ばれる生き方をますます求めていくことができるように。それを励まし合えるコミュニティーが日本に、世界に増え広がるように。共に祈りましょう!


リーダーシップチームによる発表(英語のみ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I0YVTrfL2Q

マイク・ビックル氏に対する申し立てに関する IHOPKC リーダーシップチームの声明


私たちの最優先事項は、この時に IHOPKCコミュニティを愛し、仕えることです。このニュースは私たちの霊的なファミリーだけでなく、リーダーシップチーム全体にとってもとても不安なものです。どうか、名乗り出た人々、トラウマを経験した人々、そしてビックル一家を含むすべての関係者のためにお祈りください。
















IHOPKC エグゼクティブリーダーシップチーム

Responding to allegations concerning sexual mis-conduct by Mike Bickle.

2023-11-1 Initial Statement

Original English statement by IHOPKC leadership: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I0YVTrfL2Q

We are heartbroken to share that we have recently become aware of serious allegations including sexual immorality directed against Mike Bickle, the founder of IHOPKC. Our leadership team takes these allegations very seriously and we are laboring for truth, light, redemption, and righteousness. We are engaging with outside parties to assess and arbitrate these allegations.

Our priority is to love and serve our IHOPKC community during this moment. This news is unsettling for our spiritual family as well as our entire leadership team. Please pray for all involved, including the ones who have come forward, those who have experienced trauma, and for the Bickle family.

We are asking for patience as we work through this complex and very difficult situation. Secondly, we ask that our spiritual family refrain from using prophetic spiritual language that can be interpreted as dismissive of the pain of the traumatized.

On October 26, the IHOPKC Executive Leadership Team asked Mike Bickle and he agreed to not preach or teach from the IHOPKC platform, attend our 24-hour prayer room, or engage his social media channels while we work with others to assess this situation.

As difficult as this is for many, we are trusting in Jesus’ wise and good leadership to help and strengthen us as we anchor our hope in Him.

2023-11-5 Second Statement


We love our global family and are grateful for all of your support, prayers and solidarity. We want to say we are grateful for you. But now we need to have a family message, primarily directed to the local IHOPKC community and staff. 

Firstly, we want to impress upon you that IHOPKC’s mission remains the same as it has always been for over 24 years, which is to engage in the great commission through 24/7 prayer with worship and the proclamation of the Beauty of Jesus. This will not change while we address these recent allegations. We want you to know that there is still place for you at the table and as a leadership team we are committed to continue growing in love and serving one another. 

Our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and Mike Bickle have agreed that out of the best interest of the organization and the integrity of IHOPKC, Mike will step away from public ministry for an indefinite time, up to and including until we complete a thorough examination of the allegations and inquiry of the circumstances. Mike has agreed to not engage in public ministry, our platform, attend our prayer room or engage in social media messaging.

External Allegations & How We Are Responding 

As previously disclosed, there have been several allegations raised and we are taking this process seriously. So far there is one allegation from 26 years ago that has some credibility. Other allegations have been more difficult to verify due to the fact they are either anonymous or represented by third parties. Some of the alleged events predate the founding of IHOPKC. Additionally, some of the women that were named in the allegations have publicly refuted that they were ever victims of abuse and even denounced the representatives of the alleged victim group for using their names without permission. 

In accordance with best practices, the ELT has retained a national law firm, Stinson LLP to conduct an impartial examination of these allegations with the goal of assessing their merit and advising the ELT regarding appropriate steps to take. The firm has already started its work, but it will take time to complete. When this examination is completed, and based upon its findings, we will be able to determine what steps should be taken to see healing for all who have been affected as well as our community.

As always, continue to pray. If you are experiencing shock, pain and confusion we want to say we understand and this response is valid. Many are grieving, but at the end of the day, we are choosing to fix our eyes on Jesus and we invite you to do the same. We as a leadership team love you deeply. We are grateful for the IHOPKC community. We pray for grace to love in this time. 

Lastly, we understand that statements like this coming from our leadership team is new for our community, but what has occurred in the last week is unprecedented here at IHOPKC. Even in this time of crisis we trust in the leadership of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The IHOPKC Executive Leadership Team

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