[English below]

あなたは自分の信仰を分かち合い、弟子を育てることに情熱を持っていますか? あなたの地域社会で教会開拓運動が起こることを夢見ていますか?


2024年11月22日-23日 09:30 – 17:00
名古屋市千種区  ニューハート教会


お問い合わせは、David Cervenkaまで。

T4T Training – Training for Trainers

Equipping you to multiply disciples and plant churches

Are you passionate about sharing your faith and making disciples? Do you dream of seeing a church planting movement in your community?

Join us for the T4T Seminar and be equipped to ignite a movement of disciple-makers and church planters!

When: November 22-23 09.30 – 17.00
New Heart Church, Chikusa, Nagoya
(50 seats available)
In the last recorded words of Jesus, the command to make disciples of all nations is what was highlighted. Every disciple of Jesus already has the ability to take part in this great mission in their DNA. How do we get started? How do we communicate the good news of Jesus? What do we do if someone says “yes?”

Not only are these answers important for every believer to understand, arguably, they are the very keys to unlock the plentiful harvest in the very cities we live in.
Ying and Grace Kai were at the center of one of the largest Church Planting Movements in modern history, and It was a simple understanding and implementation of the Great Commission, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, that enabled them to see these results.

Come hear their story and learn how you can implement these principles in your own life and ministry.
For more details, click here.
Partners: No Place Left Japan, T4T Global, EPIC House Church Network
For questions, please contact: David Cervenka.