DONDON TSUTAEYO! Summer Evangelism Campaign

We’re giving 100 Evangelism Tracts and a Prayer Walking Guidebook to the FIRST 50 PEOPLE!

Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

To encourage the proclamation of the gospel and the wonderful name of Jesus we’re offering 100 free evangelism tracts (50 Kotoba Quiz and 50 Father’s Love Letter) and a prayer walking guidebook (all in Japanese) to the first 50 people who contact us.

It’s not a condition but we’d love to hear back with stories and photos of people you were able to talk to, and pray for while out.

Order your free tracts here (postage in Japan only. If you are outside Japan, please contact for postage costs, )

Tracts are also available for purchase on our website.

Kotoba no Quiz:
Father’s Love Letter:

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