Freedom Ministry

About this ministry

“Path to Freedom” deliverance ministry (自由への道 Jiyū e no Michi) started originally as SOZO* ministry from Bethel Church and other teachers. The word SOZO is a Greek word meaning salvation, healing, and deliverance.

Freedom ministry helps people walk in the fullness of salvation that Jesus purchased for us on the cross. Emotional issues, relational problems, unhealthy thought and lifestyle patterns are often caused by the enemy’s foothold through sin, lies, vows, bitter roots etc. – all of which disrupt our intimacy with God. During a freedom session (1~3 hours) our ministry team (1-2 people) will help you hear the Holy Spirit as He shows you what is preventing you from walking in freedom and fullness of life.

(*Since 2021 we stopped using the name SOZO because we also incorporate other prayer tools into our freedom sessions.)

Session's Purpose

A Freedom session will help you find underlying issues (eg. lies of the enemy, vows, ungodly soul-ties, bitter-roots, judgements etc.), to shine God’s truth on them, and help you remove the root causes. Past hurts will be healed, and you will experience freedom and deliverance in the deepest places of your heart.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32



Session Process

Two trained ministers will conduct a Freedom Session as a team. They have also received ministry themselves, and have good understanding of the context and process. Each session varies from 2~3 hours. Some people receive great deliverance with a single session, whereas others experience freedom through several sessions. Regardless, the ministers will walk with you to freedom in Christ as God guides each session.

This ministry is not counseling – it is more like guided prayer. Through our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, you will hear and know God’s purpose for you.

Application for a Session

If you are interested in this ministry, or wish to receive a session, please contact below. Following your inquiry, we will reply with a session day and time.

COST: Freewill donation.

QUESTIONS: Contact us first if you have a question about this ministry:



Session Fee

We do not have a set fee for a Freedom Session, but accept freewill offerings. You are welcome to give cash on the day or make a donation using either of the bank accounts below (Japan) or Paypal to 

Japanese Post Office Transfer: Account Number 00950-4-108047 Account Name: ONFIRE JAPAN
Bank Transfer: SMBC Sumitomo Mitsui Bank, Shukugawa Branch, Normal Savings account, #4193960
Account name: Umezawa Shizuka