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Sowing Seeds on a Rainy Day

Handing out flyers on a rainy day, during the day, to busy workers, students and shoppers is hard! 9 out of 10 people refused, but even as we were doing it you could feel more and more the need to share the hope of Jesus to...

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Sowing Seeds in Osaka, Umekita

Beautiful weather in June! So many people are hanging out in the streets and parks. It’s a great time to go and share the love of Jesus. Recently we went out to Umekita, the north side of JR Osaka station. We are called to...

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Amemura Miracle Club!

We were out on the streets of Shinsaibashi Amemura (Osaka, Japan) recently praying for people’s sickness or pain. Check some of the fun encounters in the video! After praying for people we were able to share testimonies, a clear...

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