私たちは、キリストの戒めに従って、お互いの重荷を負い合います。(ガラテヤ 6:20)そうする中で、私たちの関係に深みが増し、信頼が増します。これらの関係は、信仰の家族の基礎であり、また御国が自分たちの共同体、町、ひいては国家に訪れるための器となるのです。

Building relationships based on faith, hope and love in Christ means that while we create safe places for people to be vulnerable, we also create a culture of faith, where we nurture belief that nothing is impossible for God. This gives people hope in this life, even if they are facing many difficulties and troubles.
We bear one-another’s burdens to fulfil the law of Christ (Gal 6:20), and in doing so nurture depth and trust in our relationships. These are relationships are foundational to true community and seeing our communities, cities and nations reached.

③ チェック

● 一人一人先週の良かったこと、残念だったこと
● 一週間を振り返って、天のお父さんの臨在を感じたこと、感謝すること
● 先週、読んだ聖書の箇所や黙想の言葉から、神様から語られたこと
● 先週決めた目標やゴールは達成しましたか?

● ゴールを達成できなくても、失敗などに注目せず、他人と比べることを避けて、立ち上がり改めて前進することを強調しましょう。

3. Check-up
Share testimonies and a report of last week’s decisions.

Check-up and Sharing
● What was the high point and low point of this week?
● When during the week did you sense God’s presence?
● What are you thankful for?
● What did God speak to you this week through the Bible and during prayer?

Share a short report from the week.
How did you go with:
● Oikos goals?
● Personal goals?
● Relationship goals?

● Be careful not to bring guilt or shame if people did not do well on their goals.
● Don’t compare.
● Pray to release any failures to Jesus.
● Stand up and move on.


�マニュアルの小冊子のご希望の方は、メールで注文してください。一冊目は送料込み 400円、2冊目から200円。mail@onfire.jp

Simple Church 3X3 Manual
View or download online at: onfire.jp/3×3

PDF version here:�iPhone or Smart phone version – Japanese/English: http://www.onfirejapan.com/…/Simple-Church-3X3-iPhone-JP-EN…
iPhone or Smart phone version – English: http://www.onfirejapan.com/…/Simple-Church-3X3-iPhone-EN.pd…
iPad or Tablet version – Japanese/English: http://www.onfirejapan.com/…/Simple-Church-3X3-iPad-JP-EN.p…
iPad or Tablet version – English: http://www.onfirejapan.com/…/Simple-Church-3X3-iPad-EN.pdf�… or English printed manuals are also available; 400 yen for first one, includes postage. 200 yen for additional manuals.
Mail us: mail@onfire.jp

If you’re new to simple church resources we recommend you do a little research beforehand to understand the “why” of simple church. For Japanese, we have created this video series on Youtube.
Simple Church Video Series, JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY: https://www.youtube.com/watch…
We recommend some simple explanations of organic church and simple church by Neil Cole at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDPHXVX4JkE�
Resources here are English but all aimed for use amongst Japanese.