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ヤコブ 1:4




あなたが既にこの分野で勝利に歩んでいる場合は、 – 私はあなたと一緒に喜びます!




  • 私たちのセクシュアリティのための神の計画。
  • 聖めと赦しをもたらす十字架の力と、聖く生きるために毎日新しい聖霊の臨済の恵み。
  • 男性の性的な罪に対する根本的な問題とそれによる深い内側の癒しの必要性。
  • 他の男性との告白や正直な関係、継続的な弟子作りの関係の役割。
  • 具体的な意思決定、計画、目標設定など。



それゆえ男はその父母を離れ、妻と結び合い、ふたりは一体となるのである。 人とその妻は、ふたりとも裸であったが、互いに恥ずかしいと思わなかった。

創世記 2:24~25

彼らは裸でしたが、そこに恥はありませんでした – そして、彼らは一体となりました。イエスとパウロも、これらの節で神の本来の計画を引用しています。 (マタイ 19:4、マルコ 10:7、エペソ 5:31、第1コリント 6:16)


















箴言 24:16


ルカ 19:10






エペソ 5:8





  1. 思いの一新によって、神の御心に合わせるプロセス。
  2. 心の癒しによって、深い傷や罪深さが十字架の血によって、聖められるプロセス。
  3. 霊の目覚めによって、聖霊と共に歩むプロセス。
  4. 体の聖別によって、生き方や生活の変革を受け入れ、兄弟との親密な弟子の関係を育むプロセス。







詩篇 51:6




  • 自分の性意識に満足していますか?
  • この癒しのプロセスを期待していますか?
  • 自分自身のこと、体と精神について、どのように感じていますか?
  • あなたは自分自身をあるがままで受け入れていますか?
  • どのぐらい自由に歩みたいと真剣に求めていますか?
  • 自由になるために、何でもできる心構えができていますか?













    • 邪魔されるもののない静かな場所に行ってください。
    • たっぷり時間を用意してください。(60分ぐらい)
    • 聖霊様があなたの霊を導いてくださるように祈ってください。
    • 聖書とノート使ってください。
    • これらの祈りを自分自身のものにしてください。編集して、作り直して、自分の言葉で表現してください。
    • 神様の前に、また兄弟の前に、正直に!












    SECTION 1: Agreements, Vows and Lies:

    Agreements with shame, guilt and self-hatred lead to resignation and despair. Maybe you are on the brink of making some bad decisions and you think it is inevitable.

    But you are a son of God – these things are not your identity – don’t embrace them!

    As you think this through, listen to Christ. The enemy torments a good men. He will say you are going to fall, that you’re a failure and can never make it.

    But the words of God are spirit and LIFE! (John 6:63)

    Jesus, what are the agreements I have made about my sexuality?
    What vows or lies have I believed or spoken over myself?

    Eg: Listen and be aware. Perhaps you have believed lies, or made vows something like this:

    • Every man is like this – it’s just the way we are.
    • I could never be forgiven. I am just a disaster.
    • I will never get free. It is hopeless.
    • I will never be loved. I will never have the love I want.
    • I am too broken. I have tried but it doesn’t work.
    • I need her/him- I can’t live without her/him.
    • I can’t get out of this, I could never recover. It’s hopeless.
    • I could never be forgiven, or more than that, I can never forgive myself.
    • I’m addicted to sex, I’m a “sex-addict” – and I can never change.

    Continue asking God:

    Jesus, Holy Spirit in this place – this safe place – reveal to me agreements I have been making about my sexuality: about sex, about women, about beauty, or about love. About who I am as a man.

    Use your notebook and on the LEFT write down some the LIES, AGREEMENTS or VOWS. On the RIGHT write down the TRUTH that God speaks over you.


    I could never be forgiven! → God can forgive anyone who comes to him.

    As you look down your list – let’s deal with them:

    Breaking Agreements:

    Jesus, I break any lies, agreements or vows I have made with the enemy and invite your love and wholeness into my masculinity.

    Present them ONE BY ONE to the Father, and speak out the TRUTH in their place, something like this:

    In the name of Jesus I break the LIE, AGREEMENT or VOW that —————–
    And I declare the TRUTH that in Christ ————–
    I break each one of these in Jesus name!

    (Go through each one – as many as the Holy Spirit brings to your mind.)


    Continue praying and speak these scriptures out loud:

    In Jesus name, I receive into my body, mind, heart and spirit – the cleansing and wholeness bought for me through the cross and resurrection of Jesus! I declare from the Word of God:

    “Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits–
    who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,

    The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
    He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; 
    he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.
    For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;
    as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
    As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.”

    Psalm 103: 2, 3, 8-13

    “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.
    If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

    1 John 1:5, 7, 9

    Take a few moments to meditate and soak in these truths – let your mind be renewed. Use your notebook and write out your own prayer of cleansing if you like.

    SECTION 2: My Story

    It is very important to go back to first experiences as this is where the trajectory of your life was established. It is where many of us suffered abuse – you were way too young. Perhaps you were introduced to pornographic images early on.  Perhaps touch and arousal. From that came confusion and shame.

    Let’s pray:

    Would you shed light into my sexuality and my story? “Let there be light!”
    Let the light of heaven shine into my story and into who I am, what I have learnt about my sexuality.
    Jesus, as I review my story what did I learn about love?
    I invite you, Jesus, to my early experiences of sexuality and intimacy, of love and touch.
    I invite you in and ask the blood of Christ to cleanse my sexual nature and my sexual being.
    I invite the presence of the Holy Spirit to clean me, as I do this.

    Consider these questions, and take notes:

    • When was the first time you looked at porn?
    • What was sexual sin – outside of God’s perfect plan for sex and sexuality?
    • Reflect on your first girlfriend/boyfriend.
    • Your first intimate touch – that first sense of excitement.
    • What was your first sexual experience?

    No matter what it was – we can simply confess it and ask forgiveness for sexual sin.

    Soul Ties

    If you are reminded of people you have had some type of sexual relationship with, ask the Holy Spirit if you need to break any “soul ties” with them.

    Paul says:

    Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.”… Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. 

    1 Corinthians 6:16, 18

    Prayer of Repentance:

    Refer to the list of the things that the Holy Spirit shows you. Eg: Lust, fantasy life, masturbation, porn, sex outside of marriage, unfaithfulness etc. and pray through each one like this:

    Father, forgive me for ——————.
    Father, I ask forgiveness for avoiding or not confessing these things until now because it was too hard or embarrassing.
    I ask forgiveness for looking for comfort in the wrong places.
    I bring my story under the blood of Christ.
    Jesus come back with me into these moments.
    I ask for your forgiveness for my sexual sin.

    I bring this ——— to you. I ask you to wash it, cleanse it from me in Jesus name.

    Forgiving those who sinned against you:

    Eg. for introducing me to pornography, stealing my innocence, sexually awakening me, coercing me, abusing me etc.

    Father, I forgive —(this person)—- for —(what they did)—
    I bless and pray for them in Jesus name.

    Breaking “soul ties”

    Father, I renounce and cut off any soul tie I created with ——————.

    I break each and every soul tie with them.
    I take back that which was taken from me.

    And I give back to them what I unrightfully took from them.

    I bless and pray for them in Jesus name.

    Take this slowly and invite Jesus to walk into each of these incidents. Take all the time you need.

    Seeing Jesus

    Can you remember the scene? Can you still feel the guilt, shame, embarrassment? Right now – imagine Jesus walking into the situation.

    • Where is he?
    • What is he doing? 
    • What is Jesus saying to you?
    • And what does your spirit say to Him?

    Receive his words – and peace into those memories. And at the end. Pray something like this:

    Jesus, thank-you that your cross and resurrection is absolutely complete, and enough. 
    For my forgiveness, cleansing and redemption.
    I thank you that everything I shared with you today is under the cross, and no-longer mine to be touched again.
    I break the power of satan to accuse and command him to be silent.
    I break the power of darkness.
    And I choose to walk in the light from now on.
    In Jesus Name, Amen.

    Use your notebook and write out your own prayer.

    SECTION 3: Consecration & Worship

    Use the above notes and this prayer below as a prayer of consecration and dedication to the Lord:

    I am consecrating myself to you and re-dedicating myself to you as a sexual man. 
    That includes who I am in my search for validation and love.
    I give this search to you and I ask for your forgiveness.

    Be quiet for a moment:

    Jesus, I am asking you to rewrite my story; to renew my story and breathe new life into it.
    I am presenting myself to you as a man in all of my sexuality.
    I am choosing to give my wounded soul to you alone, God.
    I give you my need for validation.
    Take my heart back. I give it to you.
    I want a full-hearted sexuality.
    I want to consecrate myself and invite the Presence of God into each situation.
    I present who I am as a man to you.
    Cleanse me of my sexual sin.
    So, I invite Your Love and your wholeness into my masculinity.
    I ask you to breathe your life into my sexual being; into my sexual nature.
    Jesus come into my story and rewrite it
    Breathe into me a full heart as a new man.
    The integrity that I can have as a man.
    The sexual wholeness and wholeheartedness that I long for.
    Impart that in me by the Presence of God and in my story – in my life.

    Sexual Healing Prayer

    Go over your notes from above, and add scriptures and prophetic promises that you might have. The same as the process in the Father Wound video, craft a prayer, share it with a brother, edit it and then use it often to speak truth over yourself. Use your notebook and craft your own sexual healing prayer.

    SECTION 4: Concrete Decisions

    Once more, let’s look at these four areas when making concrete decisions for change:

    • We renew our mind
    • We heal our heart
    • We awaken our spirit
    • We consecrate our body

    Renew Our Mind

    Firstly, our mind is renewed through the Word of God. Scriptures like “taking captive every thought” (2 Corinthians 10:5b) – pondering and praying deeply into these passages for insight and leading.

    Here is a helpful prayer pattern that you can use from the beginning of the day to set your mind on Christ:

    The Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)

    I intentionally put on:

    The Belt of Truth – I tell myself the truth about my lower nature – and I do it up tight so my trousers don’t fall down!

    The Breastplate of Righteousness – Above all else I guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life. (Proverbs 4:23)

    Shoes of the Gospel of Peace – I am willing to walk back into anything in my past to fix up so I can live in perfect peace.

    Helmet of salvation – I put it on tight so as to take captive every through to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5b)

    I take up the Shield of Faith – A full body shield; to protect me from every fiery dart of the evil one. 

    The Sword of the Spirit – I take up the double edged sword. Finally the one offensive weapon! So sharp it is able to separate between bone and marrow – soul and spirit – and reveals the attitudes within us. (Hebrews 4:12)

    Secondly, testimonies of what God has done in other men.

    Thirdly, teaching on correct sexuality, marriage and relationships.

    Be a learner and allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind as you intentionally take in truth.

    Heal Our Heart

    This is the purpose of this activity right now. Allowing the Holy Spirit into the deep places of hurt and wounding that need healing. Keep inviting Him. Keep believing for wholeness, and complete freedom in our sexuality.

    Keep being vulnerable with other men who understand and have them walk with you in prayer and support.

    Don’t stop growing and believe the lie that a dysfunctional heart or brokenness is your lot in life. It’s not. 

    Go back to the clear promises of scripture and come fresh each day.

    Awaken Our Spirit

    Again, we covered this at the beginning of the 33 Day Challenge; know that your true self is your spirit man, within you. You are not defined by your past sexual failure. 

    Don’t live from memories of the past, live from God’s promises for the present and future, and allow your spirit man to be strengthened day after day.

    Practically speaking, we do this through intentionally developing our relationship with Father God Himself through worship, times of silence, nature etc. Cutting out the clutter of the mind and heart help us hear more clearly what our spirit is saying, and what the Holy Spirit is saying to us.

    Consecrating the Body

    This is the most practical part; primarily our eyes and hands!

    If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away… And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

    Matthew 5:29-30
    • What rules do you have for what you look at?
    • Where is the strongest temptation? At home? At work? In a shop? At a hotel on a business trip?
    • What devices or media causes you to stumble the most? Smartphone, computer, TV, magazines?
    • When do you feel the most tempted? Late at night, when you’re exhausted, feeling down?

    Identify these things and make a strategy to not fail.

    Right now, take some time to quieten your heart and as the Holy Spirit to indicate any practical steps you need to take to consecrate your body to God. Start with your boundaries that you want to set for yourself and then ask him to indicate any changes you need to make. Use your notebook and to write out your decisions.

    Examples of Boundaries:

    • I will not watch any sexualised media. I will check before I start watching!
    • I will not let my eyes dwell on lingerie/swimwear pictures etc.
    • I will not look at women below the neckline.

    Examples of Changes:

    • I need to stop going into any stores that sell pornography.
    • I need to delete certain apps from my device.
    • I need to cancel my Netflix account.
    • I need to put filtering software on my computer and internet connection.
    • I need to ask for prayer support from a brother when I’m on a business trip.

    Walking With Brothers

    Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

    James 5:16

    I’m convinced that one reason so many men are stuck in sexual sin is because they have ignored this clear, simple scripture. Many things we get directly from God; but many other things we will ONLY get if we walk in submission to one another in Christ.

    It’s embarrassing and difficult to open up about our failures and weaknesses, but O what freedom comes as a result!

    Make sure the relationship you have is robust and mutually committed. 

    Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    • Share your decisions from the previous section: boundaries and changes you need to make.
    • Share the where, what and when of the most tempting times during the week.
    • Ask each other weekly:
      “Have you been keeping to your boundaries?”
      “Have you made the changes you decided?”
      “Have you been walking in sexual purity?”
    • And the best question of all!
      “Tell me what you don’t want to tell me!”


    I’m excited for you. For all men who embrace this process of humbling themselves, submitting to one another, and beginning the journey to wholeness.

    If this has been helpful to you, or have ideas for improvement then please let us know, and please share it with a brother.

    The prayer process above is by Marty Woods and Jef Linscott and has been compiled from teaching of John Eldredge (Wild At Heart) and SOZO deliverance models. We recommend these books to help you along on your masculine journey:
    Wild at Heart and Fathered By God – by John Eldredge
    Find free teaching and resources when you search for “John Eldredge.”